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B i o g r a p h y

I was introduced to live music at the age of two at a performance of the Stony Creek Ancient Fife and Drum Corps in Branford, CT and haven't been the same since. This may explain my love and appreciation of martial music. My Uncle Don brought me and my siblings to a performance of The Nutcracker in New York City when I was four. Not realizing that I was extremely near-sighted until tested in the Second Grade (WHAT chart?!...) the amazing ballet performance was lost on me; however, the incredible musical performance was not lost on me, and it served as a foundation for my love of classical music…expanded greatly by the background music heard while watching the black and white “cat and mouse” cartoons from two feet away on a small television screen early on Saturday mornings.



“Lavorgna continues performing and recording with Jazz, Folk, Blues, Rock and R&B groups from all over the globe.” According to Tim Crotty, I am “the busiest bass player in Connecticut.”

I hope to keep pace with this optimistic view. Thanks, Tim!



The ability to listen, actively listen, to other artists is the essential component of a successful performance, whether it be a rehearsal, live concert or studio recording. My diverse musical background and my good fortune to collaborate with so many gifted composers and performers over the years has given me a rich pantry of sounds, rhythms and techniques from which to choose the right spices, sounds and ingredients to complement the delicious layers added on top by those gifted artists who keep choosing me to perform with them. Thank you all for the opportunity.



Bobo Lavorgna, CBP




Current and past performances with the following:

Anne Marie Menta

Aztec Two-Step

Bernie Soroko

Big Easy Rhythm

Bill Holloman

Bill's Seafood All-Stars

Bill Sinclair

Bernard Soroko

Bob Bequillard

Bob Mel

Bob Sheehan

Brian Ebin Parker Wolfe

Brian Larney

Buzzy Linhart

Chance Browne

Charley Holland

Chris Cross

Chris McDermott

Crispin Cioe

Chris Wuerth

Daniel J

Derek Huntington

Doug Schlink

Dug Rock

Ebin-Rose Trio

Eight To The Bar

Erik Rabasca

Frank Critelli

Fred Vigorito

Frog Hollow

Garden City Hot Club

George Baker

Homesick John O'Leary

Jake & The Family Jewels

James Astrausky

James Doc Halliday

James Montgomery

Jan Jungden

J.D. Seem

Jennifer Hill

Jimmy Biggins

Jim Fryer

Jim Oblon

Jim Stavris

Jon Marks

John McCurry

John Menta

Jon Paris

Jon Pfeiffer

Joy Ryder

Frog Hollow - Classic Bluegrass & Blues

Harvey Thurrott

Karen & the Pistons

Ken Pine

Key Rieske

Knox Chandler

Lawrence Killian

Leonard Red Balaban

Manny Foglio

Mark Crofut

Mark Mirando

Mark Naftalin

Mark Pines

Mat Kastner

Matt Moadel

Matthew Elgosin

Mercy Choir

Michael Capezzone

Mike Ferrucci

Muddy Rivers

Muriel Haverstein

New Haven Civic Orchestra

Noel Kaletsky

Norman Lamont

Paul Belbusti

Paul Gabriel

Pearly Grates

Perry Robinson

Peter Menta

Phil Rosenthal

Randy Burns

Richard Nafey & Blue Love Monkey

Rick Franks

Robert Crotty

Rob Nelson

Robert Silverman

Robert Taylor

Sammy Rimington

Sarah Spencer Transatlantic Jazz Band

Scott Hamilton

Shandy Lawson

Silver Skull Blues Band

Sporting Life

Stacy Phillips

Steve Jones

Stormin' Norman & Suzy


The 102nd Army Band

The 1917 Jazz Band

The 19th Army Band

The Bargain

The Blake Street Gut Band

The Convertibles

The Doughboys

The Garden City Hot Club

The Homesick John O'Leary Band

The Meadows Brothers

The Modeans

The New York Military Academy Band

The Noel Kaletsky Quartet

The Pearly Grates

The Wayward Six

The Wyrd Brothers (as Johnny Wyrd)

Tom Boates

Tommy Cosmo & Bobo

Tom Sharpe

Tony Mason

Trevor Davis

Washboard Slim & the Bluelights

Opened for:

Manhattan Transfer-Carnegie Hall 11/6/76

Ritchie Havens

Sam & Dave

Shirley Alston 

Fabulous Rhinestones

Geoff Muldaur

Bobby Neuwirth

Buzzy Linhardt


Howlin' Wolf 

John Hammond, Jr.

Kal David

Harvey Brooks

Ian Matthews

Tom Rapp & Pearls Before Swine

Penn & Teller

Pousette-Dart Band

The Ink Spots

The Helium Brothers

The Simms Brothers

The Sea The Sea

Aztec Two Step

Beaver Brown

Good Rats

Laughing Dogs


Bobo and the Unusuals

Robert Crotty - Goin' Down the Wire, CDBABY.COM

Paul Belbusti

Norman Lamont

George Morgio

Hugh Birdsall

Michael Capezzone - The Learning Tree, CDBABY.COM

Ebin-Rose Trio - Bare Wires, Live at The Buttonwood Tree, Wind Pictures, Bright as the Sun

The Meadows Brothers

The Real Stormin' Norman

Stormin' Norman & Suzy

Jake & the Family Jewels

Rob Nelson

Robert Silverman

Alissa Bengston

The Modeans

The 1917 Jazz Band

The Bargain

Frank Critelli

Shandy Lawson

The Blake Street Gut Band

The Wyrd Brothers

Anne Marie Menta

Big Easy Rhythm



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